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Love Potion Spell

Writer: Kims CrystalsKims Crystals

Looking to attract some love? Having trouble finding the right one? 

Call love to you with our Love Potion spell and Love Potion Bracelet

This Love Potion bracelet is designed to help you attract love and radiate a sense of beauty. It features crystals chosen to help boost your self-confidence, independence and awareness of your sensuality.

Love Potion spell bracelet

Love Potion spell is designed to help you attract love.

You need to remember one important thing:

Love spells are not going to make someone fall in love with you to the point that they never want to leave. It will still be up to you to ensure that the relationship will last.

Love magic is going to work better when an initial attraction is already there.

This means that spells will have a higher chance of working if your crush already likes you back. 

You cannot get love without giving love.

You will not be able to give love if you do not first have enough love within yourself.

If you have issues there, you should make an effort to improve the way that you feel about yourself.

When was the last time that you told yourself some positive words of affirmation?

True love is always going to start from within.

The more that you love yourself, the more confident you will be about giving love to other people.

Once you're ready to draw in some love you can use this spell.

You will need the following items:

-1 Pink Candle

-1 Red Candle


-1 piece of paper


-Rose Quartz crystal(s)

-1 Incense stick (rose, rosemary, jasmine)

-Lighter (remember to stay safe when using fire, and always monitor your flame)

This spell uses a red candle for passion and a pink candle for love. Ideally, we want our partner to have both these qualities. By using these two candles you will draw in a love that is true and full of passion.

This ritual involves watching the candle until it goes out, so we would recommend using smaller candles if you are pressed for time.

For this spell to be most effective it is best done on a Friday, time permitting.

Friday is the day of Venus, the planet of love and creativity.

Begin by preparing your space and setting the mood. That may be as ritualistic as you like, or it may be as simple as lowering the lighting and putting on some relaxing music. Do what makes you feel comfortable so that you can get into a relaxed state of mind.

Clear your thoughts and make sure to remove the negativity from your mind. If you are still harbouring negative emotions and thinking of negative thoughts, you need to meditate first.

Once you are sure that your mind is clear, only then, can you proceed.

  1. Light your incense.

  2. Take three deep breaths.

  3. Prepare your candles by tying them together with the string and lighting them.

  4. Close your eyes and visualise what your ideal partner would be like. What do they look like? How do they treat you? What do you enjoy doing together? How do they love you, and what do you do to make them happy? Imagine spending time with this person. The more vivid your imagined scenes are, the better. You can make a list of attributes if you need, and you can add to it over time as you consider more deeply about what you want in a partner.

  5. Hold the Rose Quartz crystals in your hands or over your heart, feel their shape, texture and energy, feel the love radiating from the crystals . As you do it recite this spell: "By the power of the moon and the stars above, I call upon the universe to bring me my true love. May my heart be open and my spirit be free, to receive the love that is meant for me. With this spell, I set my intention clear, To find my soulmate, my beloved dear." Repeat three times.

  6. Now close your eyes and visualise some positive things you wish for yourself in the future. Let that joy warm you. If you have your Love Potion spell bracelet then now is a great time to use it as a kind of prayer bracelet and count the beads as you ponder.

  7. When you are ready, open your eyes. Once you are done, you can watch the candle until it completely burns out. Make sure that the flame is already extinguished before you leave it. You cannot blow the candle out because this will make this spell ineffective.

And remember, Witchcraft is about using what you have, so if you don't have the exact ingredients feel free to supplement them with the appropriate corresponding item. Eg. If you can't get a pink candle, use a white one with some pink ribbon around the base.


Was the spell effective for you? Let us know!

If you'd like to buy our Love Potion Spell Bracelet you can find it here:



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