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Altar Offering to Aphrodite Spell

Writer: Kims CrystalsKims Crystals

An example of an Altar to Aphrodite / Venus with pink crystals and shells
Altar to Aphrodite

Looking to attract some love? Want more passion in your life?

Get the Goddess of love on your side with this beautiful and sensual ritual offering.

Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of passionate love, sexuality, pleasure, beauty, abundance, fertility, sensuality and seduction. She was born of the sea and out of the seafoam after her father's ahem, 'member' was thrown into the ocean. As a result, she is heavily associated with the water element and the sexual organs.

She was married to Hephaestus (God of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire and metalworking) but had many lovers, both mortal and immortal. She was said to be so beautiful that no one could resist her, but if anyone did try, she could sort them out with her magic girdle, a decorative belt woven with the powers of seduction and desire that allowed the wearer to seduce anyone.

All this makes her the perfect ally for anything to do with love and seduction!

Call upon Aphrodite when your desire is to ignite or rekindle passionate love in your life or relationship, or to nurture your inner passion.

Aphrodite bead bracelets inside a sea shell

Offering to Aphrodite to help you attract love.

Emulate Aphrodite's sensuality and charm. Seek her guidance on looking and feeling your best and most confident self. Use this offering along with our Aphrodite bracelet to let her help you reveal your enchanting beauty to the world to attract what you desire.

Here are some instructions on how to make an Aphrodite Altar and suggested offerings.

First, you will need to find a small space to set up your altar, this could be a shelf in the bedroom, a window sill, on top of a vacant surface or even in the bathroom. Any place that you feel Aphrodite would enjoy is an appropriate place to create an altar to beauty, love and passion.

In Feng Shui, the southwest corner of your home is considered the relationship corner.

You could place your Altar there activate this area.

Now the fun part! Collecting all the decorations and offerings you think Aphrodite would love!

Aphrodite would be pleased with things like:

-Beautiful fresh flowers, especially roses.

-Seashells or Sea glass.

-Seasonal fruits




-Red or Pink Candles -Perfumes -Art or Sculptures (especially ones representing her, or other beautiful ladies) -Crystals: Aquamarine, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Pearl, Rhodonite and Amazonite are some of her favourites

You will also need:

-Candle or Incense/Sage.

-Lighter (remember to stay safe when using fire, and always monitor your flame)


Begin by preparing your space and setting the mood. That may be as ritualistic as you like, or it may be as simple as lowering the lighting and putting on some relaxing music. Do what makes you feel comfortable so that you can get into a relaxed state of mind.

  1. Light your incense.

  2. Take three deep breaths.

  3. Think of all the love you wish to draw into your life. It doesn't matter how you will get it, just focus on how this love makes you feel.

  4. Light your candle.

  5. Begin placing your items around your Altar, try to be as intuitive as possible, go with what feels right. You can always make changes again later.

  6. Take any food or drink offerings and give this as a special offering shared between you and Aphrodite. If you have wine or a drink offering take a sip and give one to her. If you have food take a bite and leave the rest for her. As you do it recite this spell: 'Fairest Goddess, loved by all, born rising from the sea, to gaze upon you is pure bliss, your beauty is my plea, Do place your crown upon my head that gorgeous I may be. A Goddess true, and just like you, shining bright for all to see, adored by all, but best of all, herself, unconditionally.'

  7. Now close your eyes and visualise some positive things you wish for yourself in the future in regards to love, passion and your love life. Let that joy warm you. If you have your Aphrodite bracelet then now is a great time to use it as a kind of prayer bracelet and count the beads as you ponder.

  8. When you are ready, open your eyes. Blow out the candle to release your intention into the Universe.

If you wish to, you can eat or drink the food offerings at the Altar with Aphrodite, or you can leave them there for around 3 days before disposing of any consumable offerings.

And remember to keep her altar tended to in order to keep her passion alive in your soul. Changing the offerings and decorations is a fun way to celebrate each turn of the year and to give yourself a reminder that she's watching over you and helping you in all that you do.

And you don't just have to tend to this altar to give her offerings that she would love, you can also give her offerings in the form of: -Devotional arts and crafts. -Taking care of yourself. -Acts of service. -Reciting the above spell.

-Sharing what you love with her.

Witchcraft is about using what you have, so if you are low on funds feel free to be as minimalistic as you want, it's really all about intention.

If you'd like to buy our Aphrodite Bracelet you can find it here:


Did you enjoy setting up your Aphrodite Altar? How does it look? Share your altar space designs with us on our Instagram!



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